GET api/Tasks

Retrieves a list of tasks.



Name Description Default
member Unique member ID whose tasks are listed. Omit to view the current user's task list.
file Unique file ID. Omit to view all tasks.



Content Type: application/xml or application/json
Data set containing the tasks, or an error message.

  <Result>                                         <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <Description>string</Description>            <!--Description of the current step--> 
      <FileID>long</FileID>                        <!--Unique file ID--> 
      <Duration>decimal</Duration>                 <!--Appointment duration (in hours)--> 
      <Priority>int</Priority>                     <!--Priority level (0-4)--> 
      <LastAction>string</LastAction>              <!--Date and member code of last action--> 
      <DBRecordID>long</DBRecordID>                <!--Unique ID of related record--> 
      <ItemID>long</ItemID>                        <!--Unique task ID.--> 
      <ActivityID>long</ActivityID>                <!--Unique activity ID.--> 
      <HasRemarks>bool</HasRemarks>                <!--Whether the task has remarks--> 
      <HasCommenced>bool</HasCommenced>            <!--Whether the task has commenced--> 
      <SequenceNo>int</SequenceNo>                 <!--1-based index of the current step--> 
      <MemberFlags>int</MemberFlags>               <!--Attributes for the current user--> 
      <IsRecurring>bool</IsRecurring>              <!--Whether the task is recurring--> 
      <FileNumber>string</FileNumber>              <!--Human-readable file number--> 
      <HasPermission>bool</HasPermission>          <!--Whether the current user has permission to perform the task--> 
      <CanMarkCompleted>bool</CanMarkCompleted>    <!--Whether the task can be arbitrarily marked as completed--> 
      <Delegation>string</Delegation>              <!--Member code or group to whom the task is delegated--> 
      <IsDue>bool</IsDue>                          <!--Whether the task is overdue--> 
  <Message>string</Message>                        <!--Error message--> 
   "Result": [{                      
      "Title": "string",             
      "Description": "string",       // Description of the current step
      "FileID": "long",              // Unique file ID
      "StartDate": "datetime",       
      "Duration": "decimal",         // Appointment duration (in hours)
      "DueDate": "datetime",         
      "Priority": "int",             // Priority level (0-4)
      "LastAction": "string",        // Date and member code of last action
      "DBRecordID": "long",          // Unique ID of related record
      "ItemID": "long",              // Unique task ID.
      "ActivityID": "long",          // Unique activity ID.
      "HasRemarks": "bool",          // Whether the task has remarks
      "HasCommenced": "bool",        // Whether the task has commenced
      "SequenceNo": "int",           // 1-based index of the current step
      "MemberFlags": "int",          // Attributes for the current user
      "IsRecurring": "bool",         // Whether the task is recurring
      "FileNumber": "string",        // Human-readable file number
      "HasPermission": "bool",       // Whether the current user has permission to perform the task
      "CanMarkCompleted": "bool",    // Whether the task can be arbitrarily marked as completed
      "Delegation": "string",        // Member code or group to whom the task is delegated
      "IsDue": "bool"                // Whether the task is overdue
   "Message": "string"               // Error message

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OK The operation completed successfully.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
403 ForbiddenUser does not have permission to view the file/member's task list.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.