GET api/Tasks/Appointments

Retrieves a list of appointments on a particular date.



Name Description Default
member Unique member ID. Omit to view the current user's appointments.



Content Type: application/xml or application/json
Data set containing the appointments, or an error message.

  <Result>                               <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <ItemID>long</ItemID>              <!--Unique task ID.--> 
      <Start>datetime</Start>            <!--Start date and time--> 
      <Duration>decimal</Duration>       <!--Duration (in hours)--> 
      <Venue>string</Venue>              <!--Conference venue--> 
      <ContactID>long</ContactID>        <!--Contact number (unique ID) of related contact--> 
      <FileAs>string</FileAs>            <!--File-as name of related contact--> 
      <AltName>string</AltName>          <!--Title, first name and last initial of related contact--> 
      <MemberID>long</MemberID>          <!--Unique member ID--> 
      <MemberCode>string</MemberCode>    <!--Member code--> 
      <MemberName>string</MemberName>    <!--Short name of member--> 
  <Message>string</Message>              <!--Error message--> 
   "Result": [{                  
      "ItemID": "long",          // Unique task ID.
      "Start": "datetime",       // Start date and time
      "Duration": "decimal",     // Duration (in hours)
      "Title": "string",         
      "Venue": "string",         // Conference venue
      "ContactID": "long",       // Contact number (unique ID) of related contact
      "FileAs": "string",        // File-as name of related contact
      "AltName": "string",       // Title, first name and last initial of related contact
      "MemberID": "long",        // Unique member ID
      "MemberCode": "string",    // Member code
      "MemberName": "string"     // Short name of member
   "Message": "string"           // Error message

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OK The operation completed successfully.
400 Bad RequestInvalid member ID.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
403 ForbiddenUser does not have permission to view the member's appointments.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.