PUT api/Documents/{id}/CheckIn

Checks an updated version of a document back into the library so that other users can see the changes.



Name Description Default
id Document number (unique ID).
comment Optional check-in comment.


Content Type: application/octet-stream



Content Type: application/xml or application/json
Empty response if successful or an error message.

  <Message>string</Message>    <!--Error message--> 
   "Message": "string"   // Error message

Status Codes

Code Condition
204 No ContentThe operation completed successfully.
400 Bad RequestInvalid document number.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
403 ForbiddenUser does not have permission to check in the document.
404 Not FoundDocument not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
409 ConflictDocument could not be checked in.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.


The request body becomes the new checked-in version of the document. The content prior to checkout is retained as a previous version of the document.

A more-specific content type (e.g. application/pdf) may be specified in the request, however the data must be in the same format as the original document and cannot be changed by this operation.

If a document cannot be checked in, it may not be checked out by the current user.