PUT api/Contacts

Updates one or more existing contacts.



Content Type: application/xml
Schema: http://download.overtech.com.au/schemas/UpdateContact.xsd
XML document containing differential contact updates.



Content Type: application/xml
Details of the updated contact(s) or an error message.

  <Result>                                           <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <Index>int</Index>                             <!--0-based index of the updated contact--> 
      <Status>string</Status>                        <!--'Success' or 'Failed'--> 
      <ID>long</ID>                                  <!--Unique identifier for the contact--> 
      <FileAs>string</FileAs>                        <!--File-as name for the contact--> 
      <ValidationErrors>string</ValidationErrors>    <!--Formatted list of validation errors--> 
  <Message>string</Message>                          <!--Error message--> 

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OKAt least one of the contacts was successfully updated.
400 Bad RequestThe XML document was invalid or resulted in invalid contact record(s).
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.
501 Not ImplementedServer does not have the required plug-in.


The markup used for updating contacts differs from the markup used to create new contacts. The root element must be <update> or <updates>.