GET api/Contacts/{id}/Files

Retrieves a list of matters for which the contact is a client.



Name Description Default
id Contact number (unique ID).
memberID Optional filter by manager/supervisor member.
includeArchived Whether to include archived matters. true
companyID Optional filter by company.



Content Type: application/xml or application/json
Data set containing the matters, or an error message.

  <Result>                                   <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <Client>long</Client>                  <!--Contact number (unique ID) of the primary client--> 
      <File>long</File>                      <!--Unique matter ID--> 
      <Matter>string</Matter>                <!--Matter description--> 
      <CreatedDate>datetime</CreatedDate>    <!--Date the matter was created--> 
      <MgrSupr>string</MgrSupr>              <!--Concatenation of the manager and supervisor member codes--> 
      <Unbilled>decimal</Unbilled>           <!--Value of unbilled time/charges (WIP)--> 
      <Trust>decimal</Trust>                 <!--Trust balance--> 
      <Debtors>decimal</Debtors>             <!--Debtors balance--> 
      <Disbs>decimal</Disbs>                 <!--Value of unbilled disbursements--> 
      <IsClosed>bool</IsClosed>              <!--Whether the matter is closed or ready for archival--> 
      <IsActive>bool</IsActive>              <!--Whether the matter is active--> 
      <IsArchived>bool</IsArchived>          <!--Whether the matter is archived--> 
      <FileNumber>string</FileNumber>        <!--Human-readable file number--> 
      <FileAs>string</FileAs>                <!--File-as name for the primary client--> 
  <Message>string</Message>                  <!--Error message--> 
   "Result": [{                     
      "Client": "long",             // Contact number (unique ID) of the primary client
      "File": "long",               // Unique matter ID
      "Matter": "string",           // Matter description
      "CreatedDate": "datetime",    // Date the matter was created
      "MgrSupr": "string",          // Concatenation of the manager and supervisor member codes
      "Unbilled": "decimal",        // Value of unbilled time/charges (WIP)
      "Trust": "decimal",           // Trust balance
      "Debtors": "decimal",         // Debtors balance
      "Disbs": "decimal",           // Value of unbilled disbursements
      "IsClosed": "bool",           // Whether the matter is closed or ready for archival
      "IsActive": "bool",           // Whether the matter is active
      "IsArchived": "bool",         // Whether the matter is archived
      "FileNumber": "string",       // Human-readable file number
      "FileAs": "string"            // File-as name for the primary client
   "Message": "string"              // Error message

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OK The operation completed successfully.
400 Bad RequestInvalid contact number.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
404 Not FoundContact not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.