GET api/Contacts/{id}/Summary

Retrieves a summary of the contact's details that is suitable for display purposes.



Name Description Default
id Contact number (unique ID).
parts Components included in the response. All



Content Type: application/xml or application/json
Summary details or an error message.

    <ID>long</ID>                                          <!--Unique contact ID--> 
    <ContactTypes>                                         <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <Item>string</Item>                                  <!--'Individual' or 'Entity' at minimum--> 
    <ClientTypes>                                          <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <ModificationTypes>                                  <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <ContactHeading>string</ContactHeading>              <!--Overall type of contact--> 
      <EntityName>string</EntityName>                      <!--Entity contacts only--> 
      <Gender>string</Gender>                              <!--'Male', 'Female' or 'Unknown'--> 
      <EntityCategory>string</EntityCategory>              <!--Entity contacts only--> 
      <ABN>string</ABN>                                    <!--Entity contacts only--> 
      <ACN>string</ACN>                                    <!--Entity contacts only--> 
      <AdmissionDate>datetime</AdmissionDate>              <!--Lawyer contacts only--> 
      <HistoricalCode>string</HistoricalCode>              <!--Legacy identifier--> 
      <Addresses>                                          <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
          <Type>string</Type>                              <!--'Address', 'MailTo', 'RegisteredOffice', 'Location' or 'None'--> 
      <PreferredMethod>string</PreferredMethod>            <!--'None', 'Post', 'Facsimile' or 'Email'--> 
      <Items>                                              <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
          <Type>string</Type>                              <!--'Telephone', 'Facsimile', 'Email' or 'Website'--> 
    <Notes>string</Notes>                                  <!--Free-form notes (RTF)--> 
      <Contacts>                                           <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
          <Relationship>string</Relationship>              <!--Relative to the outer contact--> 
      <Files>                                              <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
          <ID>long</ID>                                    <!--Unique matter ID--> 
          <FileNumber>string</FileNumber>                  <!--Human-readable file number--> 
          <CompanyID>long</CompanyID>                      <!--Company (unique ID)--> 
          <PrimaryClientID>long</PrimaryClientID>          <!--Contact number (unique ID) of primary client--> 
      <ActiveTotal>int</ActiveTotal>                       <!--Total number of active matters--> 
      <ArchivedTotal>int</ArchivedTotal>                   <!--Total number of archived matters--> 
      <Items>                                              <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
          <DocumentID>long</DocumentID>                    <!--Related document--> 
          <Password>string</Password>                      <!--Password entries only--> 
      <CreditTerms>string</CreditTerms>                    <!--Creditor contacts only--> 
      <CreditTermsDays>int</CreditTermsDays>               <!--Creditor contacts only--> 
    <Tags>                                                 <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
  <Message>string</Message>                                <!--Error message--> 
   "Result": {                               
      "ID": "long",                          // Unique contact ID
      "ContactTypes": [ "string" ],          // 'Individual' or 'Entity' at minimum
      "ClientTypes": [ "string" ],           
      "Created": {                           
         "Date": "datetime",                 
         "MemberCode": "string"              
      "LastModified": {                      
         "Date": "datetime",                 
         "MemberCode": "string",             
         "ModificationTypes": [ "string" ]   
      "Contact": {                           
         "ContactHeading": "string",         // Overall type of contact
         "DisplayName": "string",            
         "EntityName": "string",             // Entity contacts only
         "Gender": "string",                 // 'Male', 'Female' or 'Unknown'
         "PositionAndIndustry": "string",    
         "AssociatedEntity": {               
            "ID": "long",                    
            "FileAs": "string"               
         "Trustee": {                        
            "ID": "long",                    
            "FileAs": "string"               
         "Spouse": {                         
            "ID": "long",                    
            "FileAs": "string"               
         "EntityCategory": "string",         // Entity contacts only
         "ABN": "string",                    // Entity contacts only
         "ACN": "string",                    // Entity contacts only
         "AdmissionDate": "datetime",        // Lawyer contacts only
         "ReferredBy": {                     
            "ID": "long",                    
            "FileAs": "string"               
         "HistoricalCode": "string"          // Legacy identifier
      "Correspondence": {                    
         "Greeting": "string",               
         "Closing": "string",                
         "Addresses": [{                     
            "ID": "long",                    
            "Type": "string",                // 'Address', 'MailTo', 'RegisteredOffice', 'Location' or 'None'
            "Description": "string",         
            "Address": "string"              
      "Communications": {                    
         "PreferredMethod": "string",        // 'None', 'Post', 'Facsimile' or 'Email'
         "Items": [{                         
            "ID": "long",                    
            "Type": "string",                // 'Telephone', 'Facsimile', 'Email' or 'Website'
            "Description": "string",         
            "Communication": "string",       
            "IsPreferred": "bool"            
      "Notes": "string",                     // Free-form notes (RTF)
      "RelatedContacts": {                   
         "Total": "int",                     
         "Additional": "int",                
         "Contacts": [{                      
            "ID": "long",                    
            "FileAs": "string",              
            "Relationship": "string"         // Relative to the outer contact
      "RecentFiles": {                       
         "Files": [{                         
            "ID": "long",                    // Unique matter ID
            "FileNumber": "string",          // Human-readable file number
            "Matter": "string",              
            "CompanyID": "long",             // Company (unique ID)
            "PrimaryClientID": "long"        // Contact number (unique ID) of primary client
         "ActiveTotal": "int",               // Total number of active matters
         "ArchivedTotal": "int"              // Total number of archived matters
      "Identification": {                    
         "TotalPoints": "int",               
         "Items": [{                         
            "ID": "long",                    
            "Description": "string",         
            "Detail": "string",              
            "IsExpired": "bool",             
            "Points": "int",                 
            "DocumentID": "long",            // Related document
            "Password": "string"             // Password entries only
      "Financial": {                         
         "EFTDetails": {                     
            "BankCode": "string",            
            "BSB": "string",                 
            "AccountNo": "string"            
         "HasCreditCardDetails": "bool",     
         "BPayDetails": {                    
            "BillerCode": "string",          
            "Reference": "string"            
         "CreditTerms": "string",            // Creditor contacts only
         "CreditTermsDays": "int",           // Creditor contacts only
         "CreditLimit": "decimal"            
      "Tags": [ "string" ]                   
   "Message": "string"                       // Error message

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OK The operation completed successfully.
400 Bad RequestInvalid contact number.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
404 Not FoundContact not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.


The parts parameter can be one (or more, separated by commas) of the following values:
NoneResponse will contain only the most basic details about the contact.
ContactName and key information.
CorrespondenceCorrespondence preferences and addresses.
CommunicationsCommunication details (phone, fax, e-mail, etc).
NotesContact notes (Rich Text Format).
RelatedContactsRelated contacts.
RecentFilesFor client contacts, a list of recent files.
IdentificationIdentification entries and totals.
FinancialFinancial details.
AllAll parts.

Regardless of the parts parameter, parts which are not defined for the contact will not appear in the response.