GET api/Contacts/{id}/Download

Exports contact information in a particular format.



Name Description Default
id Contact number (unique ID).
format File extension of the destination format, without the leading dot. VCF



Content Type: application/octet-stream
The exported data in the requested format, or an error message.

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OK The operation completed successfully.
400 Bad RequestInvalid contact number.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
404 Not FoundContact not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.
501 Not ImplementedThe export format is not supported.


The available formats are dependant on the plug-ins installed on the server, but generally include following:
VCFvCard Format.
CL-CONXXML Contact Format.