DELETE api/Contacts/{id}

Deletes an existing contact.



Name Description Default
id Contact number (unique ID).



Content Type: application/xml or application/json
Reason(s) why the contact cannot be deleted, a status message or an error message.

  <Result>                       <!--Array of 'Item'--> 
      <Reason>string</Reason>    <!--Human-readable description of the conflict--> 
      <Count>int</Count>         <!--Number of occurrences of this reason--> 
  <Result>string</Result>        <!--Status message ('Success')--> 
  <Message>string</Message>      <!--Error message--> 
   "Result": [{              
      "Reason": "string",    // Human-readable description of the conflict
      "Count": "int"         // Number of occurrences of this reason
   "Result": "string",       // Status message ('Success')
   "Message": "string"       // Error message

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OKThe contact was successfully deleted.
400 Bad RequestInvalid contact ID.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
403 ForbiddenThe contact is protected against accidental deletion.
404 Not FoundThe requested contact was not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
409 ConflictThe contact could not be deleted for the reasons listed in the response.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.


Generally, contacts cannot be deleted once they have been referenced by other records. For duplicate contacts, consider using POST {id}/Merge instead.