GET api/Bills/{id}

Retrieves information for a bill.



Name Description Default
id Bill number or unique bill ID.



Content Type: application/xml
Exported bill or an error message.

<Bill id="long" number="string" type="string" status="string" historicalCode="string">    
  <ApplyGST>bool</ApplyGST>                                                               <!--Whether GST is applied to the bill--> 
  <BillToDate>datetime</BillToDate>                                                       <!--Bill up to and including--> 
  <Discount percent="decimal" daysValid="int" code="string">                              
    <Related id="long">string</Related>                                                   
    <Authority id="long">string</Authority>                                               
    <Power id="long">string</Power>                                                       
  <DraftedBy>string</DraftedBy>                                                           <!--Code of member who drafted the bill--> 
  <FinalisedBy>string</FinalisedBy>                                                       <!--Code of member who finalised the bill--> 
  <File id="long">string</File>                                                           
  <Interest mode="string" rate="decimal">decimal</Interest>                               <!--Interest amount--> 
  <TrustTransfer allocation="string">                                                     
  <Products>                                                                              <!--Array of 'Product'--> 
    <Product id="long">                                                                   
  <Disbursements>                                                                         <!--Array of 'Disbursement'--> 
    <Disbursement id="long">                                                              
  <AnticipatedDisbs>                                                                      <!--Array of 'AnticipatedDisb'--> 
    <AnticipatedDisb id="long">                                                           
  <OtherItems>                                                                            <!--Array of 'OtherItem'--> 
    <OtherItem id="long" flags="string">                                                  

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OK The operation completed successfully.
400 Bad RequestInvalid bill ID.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
403 ForbiddenUser does not have permission to view the bill.
404 Not FoundBill not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.