GET api/Activities/{id}

Retrieves information for an activity.



Name Description Default
id Unique activity ID, activity name or GUID.



Content Type: application/xml or application/json
Activity metadata or an error message.

  <ID>long</ID>                                    <!--Unique activity ID--> 
  <Name>string</Name>                              <!--Activity name--> 
  <Type>string</Type>                              <!--Name or GUID of the type of activity--> 
  <Enabled>bool</Enabled>                          <!--Whether the activity is enabled--> 
    <ShowOnRibbon>bool</ShowOnRibbon>              <!--Whether the activity can be started from the ribbon--> 
    <AllowTaskCreation>bool</AllowTaskCreation>    <!--Whether tasks can be created for the activity--> 
    <IsInteractive>bool</IsInteractive>            <!--Whether the activity is interactive--> 
    <IsJournalOnly>bool</IsJournalOnly>            <!--Whether the activity uses a journal for its user interface--> 
    <IsOpenEnded>bool</IsOpenEnded>                <!--Whether the activity runs indefinitely until ended by the user--> 
  <Directives>                                     <!--Array of 'Directive'--> 
      <Type>string</Type>                          <!--'Input', 'Output' or 'Both'--> 
      <Documentation>string</Documentation>        <!--Describes the meaning/usage of the directive--> 
  <Workflow>                                       <!--Array of 'Step'--> 
      <Index>int</Index>                           <!--0-based index of the step--> 
      <Instructions>string</Instructions>          <!--User instructions for the step--> 
      <Action>string</Action>                      <!--Action performed at this step--> 
      <Skippable>string</Skippable>                <!--Whether authorised members can skip over the step--> 
      <Journal>string</Journal>                    <!--'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'--> 
      <FixedCharge>string</FixedCharge>            <!--'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'--> 
   "ID": "long",                      // Unique activity ID
   "Name": "string",                  // Activity name
   "Type": "string",                  // Name or GUID of the type of activity
   "Enabled": "bool",                 // Whether the activity is enabled
   "Behaviour": {                     
      "ShowOnRibbon": "bool",         // Whether the activity can be started from the ribbon
      "AllowTaskCreation": "bool",    // Whether tasks can be created for the activity
      "IsInteractive": "bool",        // Whether the activity is interactive
      "IsJournalOnly": "bool",        // Whether the activity uses a journal for its user interface
      "IsOpenEnded": "bool"           // Whether the activity runs indefinitely until ended by the user
   "Directives": [{                   
      "Name": "string",               
      "Type": "string",               // 'Input', 'Output' or 'Both'
      "Documentation": "string"       // Describes the meaning/usage of the directive
   "Workflow": [{                     
      "Index": "int",                 // 0-based index of the step
      "Name": "string",               
      "Instructions": "string",       // User instructions for the step
      "Action": "string",             // Action performed at this step
      "Skippable": "string",          // Whether authorised members can skip over the step
      "Journal": "string",            // 'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'
      "FixedCharge": "string"         // 'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'

Status Codes

Code Condition
200 OK The operation completed successfully.
400 Bad RequestInvalid activity.
401 Unauthorized Access token is invalid, expired or not specified.
404 Not FoundActivity not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type specified in the Accept header isn't supported.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.