<ID>long</ID> <!--Unique activity ID-->
<Name>string</Name> <!--Activity name-->
<Type>string</Type> <!--Name or GUID of the type of activity-->
<Enabled>bool</Enabled> <!--Whether the activity is enabled-->
<ShowOnRibbon>bool</ShowOnRibbon> <!--Whether the activity can be started from the ribbon-->
<AllowTaskCreation>bool</AllowTaskCreation> <!--Whether tasks can be created for the activity-->
<IsInteractive>bool</IsInteractive> <!--Whether the activity is interactive-->
<IsJournalOnly>bool</IsJournalOnly> <!--Whether the activity uses a journal for its user interface-->
<IsOpenEnded>bool</IsOpenEnded> <!--Whether the activity runs indefinitely until ended by the user-->
<Directives> <!--Array of 'Directive'-->
<Type>string</Type> <!--'Input', 'Output' or 'Both'-->
<Documentation>string</Documentation> <!--Describes the meaning/usage of the directive-->
<Workflow> <!--Array of 'Step'-->
<Index>int</Index> <!--0-based index of the step-->
<Instructions>string</Instructions> <!--User instructions for the step-->
<Action>string</Action> <!--Action performed at this step-->
<Skippable>string</Skippable> <!--Whether authorised members can skip over the step-->
<Journal>string</Journal> <!--'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'-->
<FixedCharge>string</FixedCharge> <!--'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'-->
"ID": "long", // Unique activity ID
"Name": "string", // Activity name
"Type": "string", // Name or GUID of the type of activity
"Enabled": "bool", // Whether the activity is enabled
"Behaviour": {
"ShowOnRibbon": "bool", // Whether the activity can be started from the ribbon
"AllowTaskCreation": "bool", // Whether tasks can be created for the activity
"IsInteractive": "bool", // Whether the activity is interactive
"IsJournalOnly": "bool", // Whether the activity uses a journal for its user interface
"IsOpenEnded": "bool" // Whether the activity runs indefinitely until ended by the user
"Directives": [{
"Name": "string",
"Type": "string", // 'Input', 'Output' or 'Both'
"Documentation": "string" // Describes the meaning/usage of the directive
"Workflow": [{
"Index": "int", // 0-based index of the step
"Name": "string",
"Instructions": "string", // User instructions for the step
"Action": "string", // Action performed at this step
"Skippable": "string", // Whether authorised members can skip over the step
"Journal": "string", // 'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'
"FixedCharge": "string" // 'None', 'Active' or 'Passive'